Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Here We Go

I have not been as active I could be with my blog in recent weeks. I have reasons but they are basically just excuses. So here I am. I am back and I am ready to share my witty, charming, insightful (usually stupid) words with the world, or whoever it is that actually reads my dribble.

Ok, so there are plenty of things I have seen in the last few weeks that have made me think, "What...?"

Something I read today made chuckle a bit in disbelief.

Tea activist and OC County GOP official Marilyn Davenport has apologized for sending out a racist image of President Obama.

According to KABC, Davenport issued a statement late Monday in which she apologized, but stopped short of addressing her future on the committee.

"I humbly apologize and ask for your forgiveness of my unwise behavior," the statement said. "I say unwise because at the time I received and forwarded the email, I didn't stop to think about the historic implications and other examples of how this could be offensive."

Hilarious. Obama is a monkey and it works because he's black. That's not racist is it?

Uhh... yeah that's racist. You might as well send a picture of him with a bucket of fried chicken, some fresh cut watermelon, and a caption underneath reading, "Let me axe you something."

Those who are not racists are well aware of racist stereotypes and insults. You got caught, Marilyn. Woops!

I'm not sure if it's because we are able to move information so quickly and more freely every day or if it's because people are getting dumber but it seems to me people in the government have been failing quite a bit lately. Hookers, blow, gay bathroom sex, false claims about what planned parenthood actually does (Senator Jon Kyl), and racist chain emails.

It makes me proud to be an American.

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