Thursday, December 24, 2009

Off You Go

I’ve always been annoyed by the Omarosas and the Snookies of the world. The people that get famous for being annoying or stupid are cancerous to society. So when I heard about the balloon boy story I thought that it was great that the kid fucked up. It’s obvious that the parents were looking for something to put them in the spotlight and considering the boys father was a failed actor he should have just come out as a recovering meth addict. But the couple decided to go with the flawless balloon story but, fortunately, their son ruined their delusional hopes and dreams of hopping from interview to interview crying, “MY BABBBYY! THE BALLOON TOOK MY BABY!”

It really made me happy to see these people get caught, and on national television! It doesn’t get much better than seeing an idiot fail on TV. They were dismissed pretty quickly by the public, which I also enjoyed, until yesterday when they were back in the news. This time they were in the news because their punishment was announced. It was an exciting day.

The husband was sentenced to 90 days in prison while the wife was sentenced to 20 days and they are going to be charged a fine upwards of $50,000. To this I’d like to say…

HAHA! Losers.

They got what they deserved. If you act like a douche then you should be punished. The last part of their punishment is that for the next four years the couple will not be allowed to make any money related to their stupid little escapade. This is perfect! Nothing would be more of a slap in the face to the public than to have balloon daddy crying and apologizing before he goes to jail only to come out with a book in four months about the whole ordeal. This is a perfect “stop being a pathetic loser” and “you can’t make money without doing something” punishment.

Oh and did you know this family was on Wife Swap?

It’s awful to separate children from their parents but in this case I think the kids are better off without them.

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