Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Put Down Your Feet

After I had some time to think about my last post I came to the conclusion that it may have come off as too serious. The point of this blog is to point out the stupidity of others and I think I was too gentle on drunken idiots. But what is done is done and I don’t intend to re-visit the area of the drunken fools.

Today’s topic is a topic that brings me to the brink of insanity every day I spend in class. I am speaking of classroom etiquette. I am speaking of retards that think its ok to take their shoes off and put their feet on the desk in front of them. This is a common occurrence in the classroom and those of you who do this are assholes. No one wants to smell your feet, no one wants to see your crusty toes, and no one likes you from the moment you take your shoes off. The classroom is not a living room and when you take your shoes off you are bothering everyone around you not to mention disrespecting your professor. It shocks me when a professor doesn’t tell a student to put their nasty hooves away when they are trying to teach but what is most surprising is that this person does not even realize that people are glaring at them.

Put your fucking shoes on.

Next there is the habit of students that I hate above all others. This is the event that occurs, when a student raises their hand and open their idiotic lips to utter the words that I fear will cause my death due to a severe and violent aneurism. When a student says “I was just gonna say…” followed by something equally as moronic. I restrain myself every single time this is said from attacking this person with words and/or fists. A large knot in my chest is forming even as I type this.

Let me explain why I hate this brainless pre-cursor to a, likely stupid, insight on classroom discussion. This person was not about to say anything. They were called on and were patiently waiting to be called on by their professor. What is it they were “just gonna say” exactly?


They weren’t just about to say anything. No one cut them off, no one interrupted them, and they weren’t in the middle of a point at any time during the class. I can’t make this any clearer. If you say this in class I will immediately have no respect for you and you are a poor excuse for a human being.

That’s all for now.

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